Monday, July 18, 2011

Simian Crease

Simian Crease

This unusual head line/heart line combination occurs as a single straight line across the palm, instead of as the usual separate head and heart line. Most commonly, the owner of a Simian Crease has this Gift Marking only on one hand. But they can appear on both.

Gift Marking Purpose
The Simian Crease combines the head line and heart line. Because there is one line where normally there would be two, you experience both feelings (heart) and thoughts (head) as one energy. Often a Simian owner may not know what is meant by "feeling and thinking" as separate experiences. Simians tend to express intensely, see things in extremes, and have a lot of physical and mental stamina. On the master path they can be really strong communicators.

s a Simian, you have a lot of stamina. You may not understand why others go home when you are still working on a tight deadline. You are the one who can sustain the pressure, the intensity, and who can stay with the project. Others are not built to keep up with you so don't expect them to. This can apply to physical and mental stamina. Jerry says he can teach a class longer than students can sustain taking information. Teaching like this requires both physical and mental stamina.

You could benefit from being cautious about judging others regarding their lack of stamina.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Your Love Life - Successful?

Is Your Love Life Successful?
by Pamelah Landers

How would you define a successful love life? Would you see it as being hugged? Talked to in a soothing voice? Somebody helping you do things? Do you feel loved when you are listened to? How about when the other person wants to make love with you? Does that equate to feeling loved? Maybe it's a few of these things and maybe it's something else completely. Maybe you feel loved when your partner actually gives you free to do what you want to do?

One thing I know from reading hands is that people do have their individual style of what being loved means to them. The biggest issue I see is that people aren't communicating it with their spouse, partner or dating partner. Sometimes that's because you don't have the words to articulate what you want. And sometimes it comes from not feeling like you deserve to be heard.

Here is a one major characteristic for each heart line type about what it looks like and how it feels when that heart line type is feeling loved, or when you are experiencing your love style.

Passionate heart line type: Passionates feel loved when you express your feelings, your feelings are taken into consideration by your partner and then action is taken to satisfy your desire. You ask directly for where you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, what you want to do after dinner and how you want to have your partner dress. Your partner says yes to all your requests and you feel loved.

Big Heart line type: Big Hearts feel loved when you are giving to another and it is received. You desire to make dinner for your husband, want him to dress up for dinner and dance with you afterwards in the living room to your favorite songs. Your husband loves this idea and appreciates every piece of the evening, and tells you how much he appreciates you and what you have done. You take it in and receive his praise. You feel loved.

Romantic Idealist heart line type: Romantic Idealists desire to be heard, to engage in a deep, meaningful conversation. When there is conversation both ways and each person is sharing and being heard at a deep level, the Romantic Idealist feels loved.

Hermit heart line type: Hermits show love by doing things for others. Rotating your tires on Valentine's Day or fixing the lawn mower would be a perfect, ideal gift for a Hermit to give you. In response, if you show love to a Hermit by doing something for him or her, the Hermit will feel loved. If you create a nice meal on Valentine's Day, making his or her favorite meal, and then take action to participate in an activity that the Hermit loves, the Hermit will feel loved.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heart Lines and Asking for Assistance

Heart Lines - Asking for Assistance

Here is how the four heart line types approaching asking for assistance.

The four heart line types are the Passionate, Big Heart, Hermit and Romantic Idealist. If you look at the archive of blogs on this blogpost, from 2008, especially June and July, there are hand prints that show what the four heart line types look like.

The Big Heart is very focused on giving and nurturing so asking for help could feel selfish. On the master path, a Big Heart asks for help and trusts that it's important that the other person wants to give to the Big Heart - it's not a burden.

The Hermit is very self-contained. Thus asking for help may challenge the Hermit because it requires asking somebody else to do something that Hermit can easily do him or herself. On the master path, Hermits create a relationship with somebody they trust and thus ask for assistance if trust is part of the relationship - if the other person is reliable.

The Romantic Idealist may also be somewhat challenged to request assistance, because their pattern is to feel that it's rude to interrupt another. It would be inconsiderate. On the master path, the Romantic Idealist could take ownership that others want to help too. That others may also find it a considerate thing to give to the Romantic Idealist.

Passionates are the best examples of asking for assistance because they truly believe they deserve it!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Relationship Success for Singles: New book

Relationship Success for Singles: Life Partner or Life Problems

Are you single?

Are you looking for a partner?

Are you frustrated that you haven't found somebody compatible?

What criteria are you using to determine compatability?
In Relationship Success for Singles, compatability is one of the main focuses for relationships that work.
Based on one line in the hands, a major line called your "Heart Line," you discover your own need for expressing love and having it expressed to you. This one line, discussed in much detail in previous posts on this blog, specifically identifies the communication style that you have and what is compatible for you.
Instead of buying a new dress to go out on a date with somebody you don't yet know well, buy this book to find out what to look for on that first date.
Choose to know yourself first and then find out what heart line type is compatible with yours, and which one(s) are not - and most importantly - why!
Order your copy now by clicking on this link.
Not ready? Read the previous posts and then come back to order your copy of Relationship Success for Singles: Life Partner or Life Problems? In a short amount of time your curiousity will have you looking at your friends hands to discover what heart line type they have. PLUS you'll understand so much about why other relationships haven't worked out.
Many blessings

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What does it mean to have multiple heart lines?

What does it mean to have multiple heart lines?
By looking at the hand print on the right, we can see that there are multiple heart lines. By the way, heart lines in the hands represent how you express love and want love expressed to you. It's the line that reflects your feelings and emotional responses in relationships.
Let me point out where they are. The line closest to the fingers that starts under the pinkie and then curves up and touches between the first and second fingers is a heart line. It's called a Big Heart. See the 2008 blog posts for a more detailed description of what it means.
Where that line splits underneath the middle finger creates another line that goes straight. That creates a 'split' heart line meaning there are two heart line types on this hand. The second on is called a Hermit heart line.
Each heart line type has a set of specific
characteristics and behaviors. In this case, the two heart line types are complete opposites. The Big Heart wants connection, the Hermit heart line wants space. The Big Heart loves to entertain, the Hermit not so much. And there are many other behaviors that go along with this.
So the question becomes: what do I do when I have two different heart line types on my hands? The first thing is to realize you are not crazy, but you ARE flexible in your emotional reactions. It may feel crazy to you or people in your life at times because you have different emotional responses depending on which heart line is in charge. And which heart line is in charge can change in a moment's notice. But it also gives you flexibility.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When you lose yourself in relationship

How do you lose yourself in relationship?

Watching Oprah's interview with Whitney Houston part 1, it's clear that Whitney diminished herself in order to feel loved by her husband, Bobby Brown. By her own admission, Bobby's jealousy of her success and icon status caused discomfort for both of them. Whitney's solution was to hid herself - caught between being the singer/performer she was and being a wife. Could she have it both? Whitney couldn't see how that could happen for her.

Where are you losing yourself in relationship? What are you giving up and do you know how to stand for yourself? Do you avoid being in relationship because you are afraid you won't be able to stay in your own power? I've had those experiences in my life - losing myself, giving up my power in order to be loved.

It doesn't work. Ever. Not being you never works and the more you diminish yourself the more the other person wants you to diminish yourself. The first time when you are dating you 'are nice' and let another dominate a conversation, making it all about him or her, you are in danger of setting a precedent of what gives your power away.

Being aware of how you want to be loved, what you will sacrifice 'in order to be loved' is something that can change your life in a good way. If you look at some of the previous posts on the heart line types, you'll see some tangible examples of how you might, on the student path, give up yourself and what it looks like when you are being true to yourself.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Control issues from the heart lines perspective

How each of the heart line types is motivated to maintain control

Yesterday in a class I was teaching, I shared how each of the four heart line types is motivated to be in control. And they are all different. As a reminder, heart lines are the ones closest to your fingers that start under the pinkie (Mercury) finger. You can see hand print examples of the heart line types in the June-July 2008 archives on this blog.

Everybody likes to control their environment in some way but are motivated differently. From the heart line perspective (remembering this is only one line in the hand) here is what's important.

The Big Heart (long and curves up to and touches the index -Jupiter - finger) finds it important to have control over his or her giving territory. What this means is that a Big Heart has a 'giving territory', a person or group of people to whom the Big Heart gives. And the Big Heart doesn't want other people giving to those same people in the same way the Big Heart does - so will protect the giving territory. For example, a mother with a Big Heart provides nutritious meals to her children and doesn't like it when other family members or friends give sugar to her children which she has kept out of their diet. Her 'giving territory' of her children is now violated and she wants to control how her chilren are fed.

The Hermit (short and straight and ends under the middle - Saturn - finger) wants to control his or her environment. This could look like having an office and nobody gets to touch any papers or move anything, including the stapler, without permission from the Hermit. The Hermit seeks security and anything moved without consent feels unsecure. So the Hermit will do whatever he or she can to maintain control of their physical environment.

The Romantic Idealist (long and straight ending under the index - Jupiter- finger) wants control by thinking things through before deciding or taking action. This is motivated by wanting to know the outcome and then to be prepared for possible potential outcomes. So they may delay a decision until they feel clear about potential outcomes and this feels controlling, not only to the Romantic Idealist, but to others in their life. For example, a Romantic Idealist may want to go to the movies but wants to make sure that there will be ample parking, a seat that is an appropriate distance from the screen and that it works with the rest of their planned out day. The logsitics (thought through pieces of the plan) need to be in place and under the Romantic Idealist's control as much as possible.

The Passionate (curves up to and touches the middle - Saturn - finger) on the master path maintains control by asking directly for what he or she wants and allows others to give it to him or her. On the student path, control is maintained by manipulating. A possibility would be when a Passionate wants to eat out, on the master path control would look like saying, "I want to eat this type of food at this specific restaurant." On the student path, it could be, "I want to go out and eat," creating space for the other person involved to have input about what type of food or what restaurant. But the Passionate actually knows that ahead of time but just hasn't stated it so a manipulative process ensues until the CORRECT restaurant has been agreed upon.

Each heart line type is motivated differently and that's important to understand. Others aren't trying to be difficult with you, they just have different motivations for staying in control and where control matters to them.